The Shoutbox
Welcome back mate... how's tricks?
In fact, his last post was 15 months ago.
n3wt is online!!

Not seen him for near a year.
How far in are you guys?
Like Mad Men? Lisa and I have been watching that lately. Good stuff, for the most part.
Originally Posted by Deadite
Yeah, I've watched a couple. They're on NF Instant too.
My odds of watching anything probably triple when it's on Netflix Instant.
I'm pretty sure I've just seen Barack Obama's chopper.

Ohhh missus! /Frankie Howard
Originally Posted by donniedarko
Has anyone here watched the documentary series Speaking Freely? I started it last night and I think those interested in politics and social issues would like this.
Yeah, I've watched a couple. They're on NF Instant too.
Has anyone here watched the documentary series Speaking Freely? I started it last night and I think those interested in politics and social issues would like this.