The Shoutbox
Pants are trousers and fries are chips and basketball is dribblecricket.
Much more understandable then
Methinks this is a terminology thing that doesn't quite span the ocean between us. Pants are trousers.
Ewwwww, I can understand buying 2nd hand trousers, shirts etc. but not pants. I was dragged up with hand-me-downs but even then all my underwear was strictly new.
I must have missed all that privilege when I was standing in line with my mother collecting government cheese while wearing pants we bought for 85 cents at Salvation Army.
**** the rich, white man.
Like it wasn’t that long ago that I was making $9 an hour and barely surviving, and I remember sitting around with a group of people that didn’t look like me commiserating about the privileges of people that looked like me.
I have more in common with the minorities at work than I do with any of the jacktards that need a lesson in their whiteness.
Gotta say, it’s straight up ridiculous. We gotta do this because some jackasses at my organization did black face in the 80s.
Next month I have to sit through a 2 hour session on anti-racism/whiteness.
Movies here! Get your movies here! Summer's over, movies here!

well, maybe not Rambo