The Shoutbox
Nope, not married.

But I don't think a 32-year-old actress who weighs a hair over 100 lbs. putting on 30 lbs. for six months is all that impressive. The millions of dollars she was paid up front probably took a bit of the sting out of it too, yeah?
Well mose, I'm sure if the pay was hefty (no pun intended), I'm sure any single girl would pack on a few pounds.
Oh, cripes. They're playing "It's Raining Men". As I said, STOP THE MADNESS! Isn't the ceremony itself long and dull enough without this nonsense. Besides, E! has been doing it since noon.

Let's GO already!
You married Holden? I don't know a single woman who would gladly put on 30 lbs... LOL.
Kate Winslet can't seem to figure out all of her good roles after Titanic. Can we say Holy Smoke!?
Oh yeah, Renee's a blimp. She's 5'5" and thin. If she usually weighs more than 105, I'd be very surprised. So Calista weighs about 95 soaking wet, and Renee weighs 105. BIG difference.
Yeah sure Fez...just keep watchin..
I think you're thinking of Calista there Holden.
oooh ooh i dont have anything on the oscars until another 24 hours when they finish desecrating it are you all going to keep me updated on whats going on? pretty please
LOL Holden
Yeah, Renee Zellweger gained a whole 30 lbs. for Bridget Jones' Diary. What dis that put her total weight at, 120lbs.?