The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Yoda
I think you're the first crack addict I've ever met who censored their own language.
Crack addicts get a bad rap, is what it is. They actually won't rob you or steal your stuff to buy crack. That's really all just a myth.
I need a ruling on this from the People Protecting the Pound Sign Committee. I want to know when the pound sign will be made whole again.
Out of, you know, the thousands upon thousands I've made the acquaintance of.
I think you're the first crack addict I've ever met who censored their own language.
That's effing sweet!
You get crack.
Do I get some kind of reward every time I hashtag? Because if that's the case, then I'm definitely in.
Brace yourself for clickable hashtags in The Shoutbox one of these days, my friend. Because that's probably happening. THE FUTURE IS NOW.
And why is it that the good old pound sign has been re-a singed anyway?

Was it just not getting enough work in? Can it go back to being the pound sign any old time it needs to? Or is this permanent? I need to know these things so I can plan properly.
At this pace we'll already have more posts this year than all of last year in, like, a month.
Can I make it through the rest of my days not having to "hash-tag" anyone?
