The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by doubledenim
We all float!
Down here.
We all float!
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Are you all crazy?
Yes. Join us!
Are you all crazy?
He went insane the other day
tried to go to the psych ward
well they turned him away
but not from failure to pay
they said boy, you just too hard
You scream
I scream
We all scream
For some ice cream!!!
We're gonna go up, up,
we're going to move,
go, go,
get into the groove,
that's what friends are all abbouuutttt
We can sing if we want to
We can leave your friends behind
'Cause your friends don't sing
And if they don't sing
Well they're no friends of mine!
Allabyyy, call on me,
Call on meee, Allaby,
Come and see me,
I'm the same normie I used to be
ALL we need... is radio