The Shoutbox
Lemme know when you stop being a musicalophile and start being a cinephile again, Allaby.
oh ok. i see.
*high-fives Ironypony.*
you can’t make a victory sign with ya toes
You gotta TOE the line
*well and good
Originally Posted by John McClane
Did you know the victory sign was used as a motif for fate knocking at the door? Beethoven's fifth. Du du du duh! Which is also Morse code for V. I like to imagine the Germans in Paris had no idea how bad they were getting punked and were like "Kommandant, es ist Beethoven funfte." Only to be running in fear a year later. "Rückzug! Schnell! Es ist Beethoven funfte!"

that's all good and well, but what's that got to do with toes?
Did you know the victory sign was used as a motif for fate knocking at the door? Beethoven's fifth. Du du du duh! Which is also Morse code for V. I like to imagine the Germans in Paris had no idea how bad they were getting punked and were like "Kommandant, es ist Beethoven funfte." Only to be running in fear a year later. "Rückzug! Schnell! Es ist Beethoven funfte!"
pinky toe.
No, nobody heard about that. No one at all.
Originally Posted by rauldc14
Originally Posted by Galactic Traveler
I won't post it due to the No Politics rule but there was HUGE news in the political world today.
I wonder what happened. It's a bummer you can't tell me.
Palpatine manipulated the political system of the Galactic Republic until he was named Supreme Chancellor -- and eventually Emperor – and ruled the galaxy through fear. Haven't you heard?
Originally Posted by Galactic Traveler
I won't post it due to the No Politics rule but there was HUGE news in the political world today.
I wonder what happened. It's a bummer you can't tell me.