The Shoutbox
Shit hitting the fan at work, so not much MoFo time today!
Glad I bought all that when it was cheaper than a pack of chew gum.
Today is a good day to be a Krypto fan!!
Tupac was a good actor until he didn't want to play the part anymore.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
ELO was pretty great, y'all.
It's a living thing, afterall.
ELO was pretty great, y'all.
It's taco Tuesday
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
Lots of list bumpage going on today
One new user hit the forums last night and posted in just about every thread. Wheeee!
shit morning because shit people can't do their shit jobs. what the shit?!
Originally Posted by Galactic Traveler
If he doesn't win some acting awards there's something wrong. I like the actress too that plays Sophie.

I agree
Lots of list bumpage going on today