The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
I will bet *anything* that absolutely nobody in the forums will guess which movie I'm watching today (at the theatre)
An advanced screening of Fast and Furious 12 or whatever number they are up to?
I will bet *anything* that absolutely nobody in the forums will guess which movie I'm watching today (at the theatre)
i only want to shimmy on the dance floor
I cannot believe I actually just googled "sway bar links"....
sway bar links and control arms are ok.

but i have like half a heat shield xD
Is it weird that now I want to see the Dark Falcon in a live-action movie?
chilling out front of the Pep Boys. let’s hope them control arms and sway bar links ain’t ****ed.
Darth Jar Jar is finally canon....
I loved Black Mirror. Looking forward to the next season!
Black mirror episode rewatches, that's what. Or my day will be ruined!
😩 Dw i wedi codi yn rhy gunnar. What now?