Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
more like that room was full of death. lol
You're a Taylor Swift fan?
Originally Posted by MovieGal
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Originally Posted by MovieGal

I loved it! I loved it! I love Leigh. This reinforce my love of his directing! I want to see him direct more Dark Universe films!
Wow, glad you enjoyed it more than I did! Did you hear about Werwulf yet?

No. Is it another wolf movie?
I hope it goes better for you than last time.
open mic tonight
It's really bad. That was one of the first things she asked me when I first saw her in August or September (I don't remember exactly when).

There's naught but blockage in my maxillary sinuses so she's fairly certain I'll need the surgery. Even if the recovery starts horribly, which I'm not discounting your assessment at all, I am willing to suffer through it if it means getting past this horrible sinus crap I've had for too long. I just had to get my core stuff figured out first.
I know your pain, believe me. How is your sense of smell?
Originally Posted by Sedai
Originally Posted by I_Wear_Pants
I continue to set the bar high. My sinuses are the worst the ENT PA has seen in years.
Have you had any surgery for this yet? If not, the first 24 hours of recovery are HORRIBLE.

I had to go through it twice...
Not yet. She's sending the CT scan to the surgeons and I am supposed to hear back in a week or two about setting up pre op and the surgery. I am sorry you had to go through it twice. I will just be glad to get it done. I've had this crap for far too long.
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Originally Posted by MovieGal

I loved it! I loved it! I love Leigh. This reinforce my love of his directing! I want to see him direct more Dark Universe films!
Wow, glad you enjoyed it more than I did! Did you hear about Werwulf yet?

No. Is it another wolf movie?
Originally Posted by I_Wear_Pants
I continue to set the bar high. My sinuses are the worst the ENT PA has seen in years.
Have you had any surgery for this yet? If not, the first 24 hours of recovery are HORRIBLE.

I had to go through it twice...