The Shoutbox
sway bar links and control arms are ok.

but i have like half a heat shield xD
Is it weird that now I want to see the Dark Falcon in a live-action movie?
chilling out front of the Pep Boys. let’s hope them control arms and sway bar links ain’t ****ed.
Darth Jar Jar is finally canon....
I loved Black Mirror. Looking forward to the next season!
Black mirror episode rewatches, that's what. Or my day will be ruined!
😩 Dw i wedi codi yn rhy gunnar. What now?
Futurama will live on well past the 25th century!
it says a lot about the quality of the show. considering how hard fox tried to kill Futurama
Or even better get a pro to install it for you....
note to self, always install the crappy cardboard backing on a bookshelf