The Shoutbox
oh god, Dear Zachary. Can't even.
Originally Posted by grampaglasses
My top 10 is getting much better. It's full of movies I actually like now.
That's cute!
Originally Posted by Camo
Man I hate you Cole. I now really want to watch The Burbs since you mentioned it
Who mentioned it?

Hello Powdered WaWa and Hairy Lime!
My top 10 is getting much better. It's full of movies I actually like now.
Dang overzealous cloudfare.
They or them depending on your perspesctive, say its going to be too much hot, maybe until July. Yowza!
Good flick.
Man I hate you Cole. I now really want to watch The Burbs since you mentioned it
Hey guys I won't tell the full story but I am like cursed with the 10/24. Does it mean something to any of you that date?
It's too much hot.
Personally, I don't buy blu-ray, so that doesn't sound cheap to me. I dunno!