The Shoutbox
@Captain Quint; is the best new user we've had in a long time.
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Hot chestnuts sold on the street corner still has such a strong Dickensian vibe, I almost expect to see Scrooge walking down the street
Hot chestnuts sold on the street corner still has such a strong Dickensian vibe, I almost expect to see Scrooge walking down the street
Originally Posted by Yoda
I'm semi-confident I've never eaten a chestnut in my entire life.
I certainly never fed you any as a kid. Now that you're an adult, your memories are on you.
I'm semi-confident I've never eaten a chestnut in my entire life.
Some hot chestnuts would be nice right now
is this what they meant by hell freezing over?
What I wouldn't give to be next to a fireplace right now
Got to be like -10 here, not counting wind chill.
0 degrees....ZERO!