The Shoutbox
it's ok to like movies because they make you feel things in special places. it happens to us all. unless it's Jar Jar or C-3PO, in which case you're just certifiably weird
Originally Posted by John McClane
if you like Natalie Portman just say you like Natalie Portman

Natalie is great! Ewan is great! Ian is super duper awesome.
if you like Natalie Portman just say you like Natalie Portman
I see we're also talking Star Wars.

I think by far the best of all the SW movies were the prequels. This was really the best chance for Lucas to get to do the movies exactly the way he wanted, without so many limitations in terms of VFX, and really bring us the most authentic vision of AGFFA.

And they're still tremendously underrated.
Originally Posted by Allaby

I guess you will like it.
Ended up liking it quite a bit, you were right.

Not sure why people don't talk more about this movie, it should have become a holiday staple by now!
it's easily my favorite, by a mile, and that's saying something because i have always loved The Empire Strikes Back and considered it my favorite.

both do a wonderful job making the Empire scary, but i think Rogue One does it better.
Originally Posted by John McClane
for all their missteps i am glad Disney bought Star Wars. otherwise we never would've gotten that master piece Rogue One.
Do you rank it above or below The Empire Strikes Back?
i'm seriously considering joining the Navy
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
Good early morning from the west coast USA...where it's a little after 5am. Ugh that's too early.
But the early bird gets the worm!