Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
I mean, just the pineapple under the sea frosty makes the combo totally worth it
Originally Posted by ynwtf
jellyfish jelly.
Ohhhh I didn't check for jellyfish jelly.

Is it tasty?
jellyfish jelly.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
but does it have jelly.
What kind of jelly?
but does it have jelly.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
give'm a shave n SEND 'em BACK out!
My Samhain avatar change...
Achievement unlocked!

Finally found a Wendy's that had the new Krabby Patty burger.

It tastes just like the real thing!

Originally Posted by ynwtf
Spankie danks.
I love The Menu, for all you ingrates' information.
I thought it was ok. I need to rewatch it though.
give'm a shave n SEND 'em BACK out!
Originally Posted by WHITBISSELL!
Well, I went and cast an early vote this morning at our East side County Annex Bldg. Line out the door and a steady stream of people which I found sort of surprising. But I suppose it's a big one. Lots and lots of local bond issues on the ballot. One largely uninformed vote FTW!
vote early, vote often.