The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by exiler96
I like how he doesn't go on bragging how many films he's seen all the time either.
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Hot chestnuts sold on the street corner still has such a strong Dickensian vibe, I almost expect to see Scrooge walking down the street
I am sure you mean Lady Dedlock...
Originally Posted by exiler96
I like how he doesn't go on bragging how many films he's seen all the time either.
People who don't brag about useless stuff like that are THE BEST
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
@Captain Quint; is the best new user we've had in a long time.
I like how he doesn't go on bragging how many films he's seen all the time either.
@Captain Quint; is the best new user we've had in a long time.
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Hot chestnuts sold on the street corner still has such a strong Dickensian vibe, I almost expect to see Scrooge walking down the street
Hot chestnuts sold on the street corner still has such a strong Dickensian vibe, I almost expect to see Scrooge walking down the street
Originally Posted by Yoda
I'm semi-confident I've never eaten a chestnut in my entire life.
I certainly never fed you any as a kid. Now that you're an adult, your memories are on you.
I'm semi-confident I've never eaten a chestnut in my entire life.
Some hot chestnuts would be nice right now
is this what they meant by hell freezing over?