Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
I'd go crazy over a guy with a voice like Terence Stamp.

To bad I don't know any.

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
Enjoy! Are you going to eat it hot or cold?
Room temperature, it's perfect as it is
Enjoy! Are you going to eat it hot or cold?
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
I bet you've ate it by now
I actually have not. I am saving it for the most special time of day!!
And a seed in still stuck in your tooth!
I bet you've ate it by now
Just picked up some delish Pan de Muertos

Doesn't it look yummy?
Hi, guys n gals
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
Incoming spammer
username: Incognito
Report, report, report!
Why do people do this?

*rhetorical question alert*
Incoming spammer
username: Incognito
Report, report, report!