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The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Users of this forum are very suspectible to trends.
I have been called many things, but "trendy" has never been one of them.
depends on the hot dog and the cheeseburger
Hot take: Hot dogs > cheeseburgers
the upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 went swimmingly. and i should have stopped there. i’m now stuck on 22.04 with a command line, and gotta deep dive to fix this shit
If you had a Swatch you wouldn’t have missed the train
What's the latest one? I am usually behind on trends so I need to catch up before the train leaves the station.
I mean movie-wise.
Here's mine!

only the finest of swatches

Like wearing Swatches?
Users of this forum are very suspectible to trends.