The Shoutbox
I forgot to wish everyone a very happy Noirvember.
Originally Posted by doubledenim

Originally Posted by Sedai
Dang...I am going to start No Spend February in November this year!
We had only a handful of kids last night so there is leftover candy. But I wisely bought an assortment bag that included almost all candies I dislike. There are only a few fun-size Kit Kats in there that I would pluck out. Hubby can have the rest.
Dang...I am going to start No Spend February in November this year!
Originally Posted by Allaby
I predict you will rate Here a 6/10.
I'd say closer to 9. It's really well done!
Halloween in LA is pretty wild

Ich fühle mich jetzt sehr dumm....
Lieben is an emotional connected word for Love. You would use it when referring to spouse or family.

You wouldn't even use it when referring to an actor or actress.
@Filmbuff I don't think you romantically love Peppernut cookies.