The Shoutbox
How was everyone’s day then? I’m planning to resign. Woe is me.
Und kine Eier
and that right there is about all the german that i can speak. i actually asked a german kid to translate that for me so that i knew how to ask it, if ever i'm in the country.
Ich mag Käse, wo ist dein Schuh?
Ich bin kinky, bist du kinky?
We were promised a future where the worker was free
Now we here in the present and we working for free
I ain't taking it home, that's my palace, ya see
I'm the queen of the castle, until I look at the lien
OK, boomer
I'm slowly turning into a boomer
What's there to understand? They all want to be famous influencers
I'm starting to fall behind today's youth. I continuously understand them less and less. And I didn't understand the people my age very well, to begin with!
now i’m back to my regular 5 days with breathers in the middle