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The Shoutbox
i often wonder about ghost forums. ya know, like ghost towns. when i find one i peruse it like a time capsule
Originally Posted by John McClane
i like commies. they can hold their liquor
This is what happens when somebody watches Bondarchuk religiously.
i like commies. they can hold their liquor
the way i'm now*
dammit i wish i was a commie, i could finally find it in me to hate most films and write them off as capitalist/imperialist drivel

the way i'm not i even see good things about communist propaganda movies, i mean show me an american movie edited as well as something by eisenstein or dovzhenko
every commie gangsta until they have to spell bourgeoisie
I remember eating a book. Twice
I remember being a book. Twice.
I read books and I seen films.
Read the book twice. Never seen the film.