The Shoutbox
Related tradition: augmenting avatars. Highly encouraged, for all the newer people! But no pressure beyond me saying lots of people do it and it's fun, and some of the tweaks are hilarious and creative.
Originally Posted by exiler96
Is it just me or is it SNOWING in here?

Longstanding site tradition. To the point where if I don't do it soon enough, sometime in early December someone always asks me when it's going to happen.
Originally Posted by exiler96
Is it just me or is it SNOWING in here?

Right? I was just saying that.

What next, a giant candy cane appearing right at the top of the site?

Let me see if I can get Santa to swing that.
Is it just me or is it SNOWING in here?

You should schedule a launch date.
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
I once invented a calendar.
i want to start a sitcom called Cal and Dar
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
I once invented a calendar.
Clearly you must have been ahead of your time.

Is it just me or is it snowing in here?
It's you, not me I don't see snow, though I know it exist.
Originally Posted by Sedai
That time of year again already...

For the crazies?
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
I once invented a calendar.
Clearly you must have been ahead of your time.

Is it just me or is it snowing in here?
It's you, not me I don't see snow, though I know it exist.

Originally Posted by Sedai
That time of year again already...