The Shoutbox
Give this man his monies!
Aces full!
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Exactly! That’s why I’m going to sit in a casino and play poker all day 😍

And if that get’s old , Maryland has other things to offer 🥳
Niiice. Don't forget your Oreos.

yeah, like murder and aggravated assault
Exactly! That’s why I’m going to sit in a casino and play poker all day 😍

And if that get’s old , Maryland has other things to offer 🥳
I'm also treating next week like Thanksgiving week, heh. Just hope it won't be too freakin' hot to enjoy it.
Friday before a 3-day week!!!

Originally Posted by Mr Minio
It's all clear, guys. He admitted it as early as 2011.

Talk about keeping receipts!
It's all clear, guys. He admitted it as early as 2011.

Originally Posted by ynwtf
Barely conscious pizza sounds weird.
The pizza was still more conscious than I was.
Originally Posted by Galactic Traveler
Pizza tonight for dinner. Papa Johns makes one my wife and I enjoy. It's spinach, tomatoes and grilled chicken on top of an alfredo sauce. Very delicious.
That does sound delicious, bon appétit!