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The Shoutbox
I could stop using Reddit as a general rule but inevitably in the week that followed I'd need to investigate a weird sound my car makes or look up something about a cable adapter and would immediately have to use it again, albeit briefly.
Like Twitter or FB or any of these huge quasi-social sites, it is extremely useful when used in a certain way and extremely bad when used in most other ways (like time killing).
Like Twitter or FB or any of these huge quasi-social sites, it is extremely useful when used in a certain way and extremely bad when used in most other ways (like time killing).
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
I'm starting to think you might be gay...
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
If you don't want Jesus, we can move on to Homocula, if you prefer.
Yeah, I've had enough looking in convents and churches. Besides, it sucks if your girlfriend loves another man more than you. But if you want your girl to love Jesus more than you, that's your right. I'd rather not be cucked by Jesus, though. I can't even beat his ass.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
I'm really taken by facetious ******** with a snide sense of humor. I can't blame women anymore.