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My grandparents would grow corn. Then my grandmother would remove the kernels from the cob, boil it in a lye mixture till it puffed. She would rinse it well and can it.
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Originally Posted by MovieGal
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Originally Posted by MovieGal
Is it strange to eat Green Beans for breakfast?
I have had stranger things for breakfast (you don't want to know)

The Golden Corral breakfast buffet has hominy on their menu. I est that every time I go with friends. I love hominy, like corn and do not eat grits.
I don't think I've ever had hominy. What does it taste like?
Stiff wet popcorn.

I boil.mine with a bit of water, butter, salt and pepper.

It's used in many Hispanic dishes. Also, country folk eat it.

My grandmother used to make it.
Originally Posted by MovieGal
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Originally Posted by MovieGal
Is it strange to eat Green Beans for breakfast?
I have had stranger things for breakfast (you don't want to know)

The Golden Corral breakfast buffet has hominy on their menu. I est that every time I go with friends. I love hominy, like corn and do not eat grits.
I don't think I've ever had hominy. What does it taste like?
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Originally Posted by MovieGal
Is it strange to eat Green Beans for breakfast?
I have had stranger things for breakfast (you don't want to know)

The Golden Corral breakfast buffet has hominy on their menu. I est that every time I go with friends. I love hominy, like corn and do not eat grits.
Originally Posted by MovieGal
Is it strange to eat Green Beans for breakfast?
I have had stranger things for breakfast (you don't want to know)
Is it strange to eat Green Beans for breakfast?
Originally Posted by doubledenim

Merry Christmas Doubledenim.
Thanks @AgrippinaX and @FilmBuff
I am sorry to hear that, too, MG. That does not sound like a fun thing to have to go through on any day, let alone on Christmas Day.