The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Did it really get bad reviews?
It got a 5.9 on IMDB and 38% on RT.
Originally Posted by exiler96
That one movie in which he played FDR got bad reviews but idk I still wanna check it out for some reason.
Did it really get bad reviews?
That one movie in which he played FDR got bad reviews but idk I still wanna check it out for some reason.
I still like that Christmas special he did a few years back
Originally Posted by Sedai
That Bill Murray bit going around lately where he deadpans his late night phone call to Kelly Lynch is gold. Murray is a true genius.
I was JUST thinking about him! (in general and not this particular bit)... smol world.
That Bill Murray bit going around lately where he deadpans his late night phone call to Kelly Lynch is gold. Murray is a true genius.
I like snow for approximately the 30 days surrounding Christmas. Otherwise, no thanks!
Haha, I'll pass. Probably my least favorite weather phenomenon. Snow, on the other hand...
Anyone interested in freezing rain? Let me know and I will do my best to send your way!
...Oh. (Slips out unnoticed)