The Shoutbox
My shouts in a nutshell?
just cause it’s relevant doesn’t mean it ain’t stupid
Cats have all the power, yes.
There's some very deep, primal social stuff going on with names and their implied power.
Correction: All cats are edgelords.
That said, yes, it's pretty amusing how each generation invents terms for things that already had terms. Every now and then you get a word or phrase for some idea that didn't have one before, but overwhelmingly you just get people acting like they discovered something by giving it a new name.
My cat is an edgelord
Originally Posted by Yoda
An edgelord is someone (almost invariably online) who likes to say "edgy" things to appear cool/brave/provocative/whatever. It is, sadly, a word I have had many occasions to use over the last few years.
Right. I suppose I can see how it is increasingly relevant then.
An edgelord is someone (almost invariably online) who likes to say "edgy" things to appear cool/brave/provocative/whatever. It is, sadly, a word I have had many occasions to use over the last few years.
‘Thirst trap’ is bad enough, but wtf is an ‘edgelord’? Gives me vague LotR-meets-Edward Scissorhands vibes…?
in other news, i almost lost the truck driving to work. never felt more alive!