Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
Well, hi there...Haven't seen you here before...
Hi ever-bodee. I'm new here...
HAHA....i'll take another picture tomorrow and see how it turns out...
Freckles on your lip? Well, okay.

Silver: we are all well, I assume. At least, I am. I hope everyone else is, too.
What you mean "we", white man?
How are we all?

Those are called freckles...
Yeah, I usually bring glasses to the movies, too...although not unless it's something where I expect detail/CGI to play a major factor.

You shaved? Not enough, then, man. Either that or you've got some specks of chocolate on your lip.
WHA?? mustache??? I shaved this morning thank you very much...

My glasses are for reading, but since I'm always reading something I figured...might as well wear them all the time...I just got them past July...July 27th to be exact...got them that morning..went and saw POTA that night...
Ahhh! Bad teenage mustache. I get that, too, sometimes...but I try to shave it off quickly. You can get away with a bad teenage goatee/beard/whatever, though. Or at least, I'd like to think I can.

Nice glasses. Only need to wear them for specific things?
Where's everyone at??? I feel sooooo alone...sooooo sooooo alone....