Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
WHAT THE!?!?!?!?!
Oh, he's older. He must die.
Is he older or younger than you, out of curiousity?
Right on! I have a brother like that too. Hey T? Let's start up a business "Whack-a-Bro" or something... we'd make millions.
No, that's okay...if I hint to everyone that I'm the one who whacked him, the contributions and thank-you donations will be more than enough.
Satellite's man. I can do it. I'll give you 2m for your bro... just to make things equitable. Then you can develop MoFo indefinitely
So, I get rid of my brother, you get $4 million in cash...but you have to eat applesauce for the rest of your days as a mountain man. Not a bad deal if you can get yourself a 'Net hookup in the cabin.
Perfect! I'm 5'-11"! Oh boy this is gonna work out!
What's your height? My brother annoys the hell out of me and is around 5'11".
I'd have to have a body and I'd have to fake the dental records somehow... yeah, it's all coming together now...