The Shoutbox
Hey T... I just looked at some old threads...holy smokes... rainbow colors and freeeky lokks abound... what are doing?
Hey Spud! Gotta sibling you want dead?
WHAT THE!?!?!?!?!
Oh, he's older. He must die.
Is he older or younger than you, out of curiousity?
Right on! I have a brother like that too. Hey T? Let's start up a business "Whack-a-Bro" or something... we'd make millions.
No, that's okay...if I hint to everyone that I'm the one who whacked him, the contributions and thank-you donations will be more than enough.
Satellite's man. I can do it. I'll give you 2m for your bro... just to make things equitable. Then you can develop MoFo indefinitely
So, I get rid of my brother, you get $4 million in cash...but you have to eat applesauce for the rest of your days as a mountain man. Not a bad deal if you can get yourself a 'Net hookup in the cabin.