Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
Oh yeah; challenge accepted. This'll be a cakewalk.
Well, it's a one-way street. I can't tempt you with anything. The only thing I can do is nag you with things like "I think you're just jealous of Britney" and "Why can't you be more like Julia?"
Whatever. I challenge you to a duel of self control. The game is over when someone...GIVES IN!
Oh no, 'tis the other way around. Sure I'm wary of you. You're dangerous. Spooky stuff.
self control? Pff...you underestimate me.
*gasp* you know you really ARE very wary of me T, I know how to get you...
I shall do no such thing! My self-control is boundless.
damn. *succumb
Yeah, sure. Whatever you want. I just don't give in to Sades' threats. She's always trying them on me...be it about checkers or Julia Roberts. I always call her bluff. She gets REALLY pissed.
you will sucumb to my powers of seduction...
You're like one of those horses.