Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
:: shudder ::
I went to MV once. I looked around.
I didn't want to have to join up to another place. And the layout was annoying.

Just think though, if fate had rolled the dice any other way, the link at Google way have lead me to a thread on racism in Disney films there....

And then it would all be different.
I think it's Brian-Doyle Murray.
MV stands for "Movie Vault," another movie website which most MoFos are, eh, not big fans of.

Quick Change is a funny movie. I saw it years ago, and only remember little bits of it, but I remember enjoying it, even though I was fairly young at the time. And yes, Bill Murray's prescence is ALWAYS a factor.
I saw it on cable the other day and was wondering why it's so good. I think it's because bill murray is in it.
is anyone here a fan of the movie Quick Change?
I'm not terribly fond of it either. No, we don't have to talk about it. Doesn't matter to me.
MV sucks. Must we talk about it?
i hate it when people wont answer your cell phone because they dont know whose number it is on their caller id
I hate it when people pay so they won't show up on your called id
I know what you're talking about because I went over there just a moment ago.