The Shoutbox
Tomorrow you'll tell me that Spud was eaten by a Gorilla. Of course, you've already told me, you just don't know it yet. You're still in the past. You don't know that Spud has been eaten by a Gorilla yet.

You may not even tell me yet, because Spud may avoid Gorilla's, avoid getting eaten and then you wouldn't have told me and I wouldn't have told you in the past.

But then...
Wouldn't Spud have been eaten?

*twilight zone music*
Seen anything lately? Certainly: LOTR! It's as good as ever. I f*ckin' love that movie.

How could Future Chris tell you that he was eaten by a Gorilla?
You're getting eaten by a Gorilla tomorrow your time Spud. Future Chris told me.
66 days til Spider-Man JOY!!
10:00 pm Monday
2:32 pm.
9:56 pm
Seen anything lately?
A porn, perhaps?
A food fetish film?

10:52 PM.
What's the time over there?
Damn straight.