[quote=sadesdrk]Well, that may be true...but just for fun.;D[/quote]
[quote=mightymose]Suuuuuuuuuuure... Preying on the impressionable mofo youth ;)[/quote]
[quote=sadesdrk]Called what like what was? Me and T? No...no...I just like to make him blush...he's my toy. Not my love-uh.[/quote]
[quote=mightymose]You're just mad b/c I called it like it was... hahahahaha[/quote]
[quote=sadesdrk]just teasin'.:p[/quote]
[quote=sadesdrk]Hear Ye, Hear Ye...Mose doesn't return PM's unless he doesn't have anything better to do![/quote]
[quote=Yoda]:: Antonio Banderas SNL voice:: This is true.[/quote]
[quote=sadesdrk]puppy love? Wha-:p[/quote]
[quote=sadesdrk]Yeah, I'm taller...physically, but you're cooler than me.[/quote]
[quote=mightymose]Ahh... puppy love ;)[/quote]
[quote=Yoda]Taller, I mean, not shorter. D'oh.[/quote]