Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
They don't what?

Anyway, I want my CGI dragons...bad. They just won't release any feckin' dragon photos. What a tease.
Um...dragons don't really cut the cheese for me...
Uh, how about the fact that it's gonna have kick-a** CGI dragons?!
Help me here what's so damned important about "Reign of Fire"?
Ah, I see. Yeah, go for it. As long as you get me some damn dragon photos.
Example of the term Ziggy in use...

"Hey that was my idea...you just pulled a ziggy"

Ziggy - To steal or pilfer another's idea.
Hmmm, what's it refer to?

Oh, BTW, I'm mad: "Reign of Fire" Video Game Images.
Do you think the term Ziggy should be added into the glossary???
Something MUST be done.
Our Ziggy's keep getting pilfered.
Who's all buying A.I. today???