Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
I'm staring at my copy of A.I. right now wishing I was at home...
the pain...the pain...
but oh man, i'm staring at my copy of american werewolf in london which i just bought and i'm ITCHING to stick in my player
aye at least I can blare my music right out now
I'd say work...but if you can't bring yourself to be 100% dutiful, at least stick around and get somethin' done.
moral dilemna, you finish work ina few hours but your boss has gone home. do you a) stay till the end like an obediant worker or b) leg it
I love it Spud! How do I use it? Thank you! Sadie, check your e-mail
Does anyone know if there's a site that has endless Seinfeld quotes? If there isn't one, what say we start one???
Toose have you seen your smilie? Made custom for you
Geek smilies are hard to find...even on web design sites.
They don't what?

Anyway, I want my CGI dragons...bad. They just won't release any feckin' dragon photos. What a tease.