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Uh huh.
I kind of agree.
Although I personally find that it's not the ridiculous nature of the ending (although it is ridiculous) but it just has to end on the happy note because it's Speilberg. It should have ending with him dying or something. He shouldn't have found love. Speilberg could have made a profound statement about humanity with that film.
I kind of agree.
Although I personally find that it's not the ridiculous nature of the ending (although it is ridiculous) but it just has to end on the happy note because it's Speilberg. It should have ending with him dying or something. He shouldn't have found love. Speilberg could have made a profound statement about humanity with that film.

I dunno about being "dark" enough. I don't really care if it was Kubrickian or not...I only care about how it was as a movie, and as a movie, it made some really, really stupid mistakes later on. I thought the first half was brilliant. The second half was, while not as good, still VERY good, up until the last 15-20 minutes. I couldn't believe how ridiculous it was...

The ending was a little Speilberg-ised, Spud. The whole film (bar the opening hour, which is how it should have been) wasn't Kubrickian/Dark enough...
Not by a long shot.
Rouge City could have been damned terrifying.
Not by a long shot.
Rouge City could have been damned terrifying.

Superstition is probably one of my top 5 favorite songs, but All Day Sucker, Living in the City, Village Ghetto Land, Pastime Paradise, Golden Lady, Ebony Eyes, etc are all up there... Unbelievable talent!

I'm watching The Cosby Show marathon, they just showed the Stevie Wonder episode... I just cued up 40 of his songs on my computer and am in heaven