The Shoutbox

If it wasn't for those damned included files the site would be looking very good right now. But, I needed them because they made it sooo much easier. Kinda stuck right now, however.
I share your glee, spudly monkey in tree
I'm filled with glee. My site is up, but I need to fix some things so it will load right. Be gleeful with me.
I got an Entertainment Weekly a couple weeks ago (I think) that had basically the breakdown of each episode thus far. Pretty interesting for those that haven't been watching it.
I have a Canadian friend whose just obsessed with the show. I don't much understand why, not having any idea of what it's about, bar 24 hours...
My parents are addicted to 24. I missed the first couple of episodes and decided to wait for it to come out on DVD. I can't wait to see it!
I'm looking forward to seeing if 24 hits our shores.

I've only heard good things.
What did you watch Spud?
I'm just hoping they have some 24 marathon or DVD set. I saw several episodes and then was reduced to merely following it through recaps...but now I want to stay fresh and wait until I can see it as my leisure somehow.
I even gave up on 24...