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The Shoutbox

I have a Canadian friend whose just obsessed with the show. I don't much understand why, not having any idea of what it's about, bar 24 hours...
I have a Canadian friend whose just obsessed with the show. I don't much understand why, not having any idea of what it's about, bar 24 hours...

My parents are addicted to 24. I missed the first couple of episodes and decided to wait for it to come out on DVD. I can't wait to see it!

I'm just hoping they have some 24 marathon or DVD set. I saw several episodes and then was reduced to merely following it through recaps...but now I want to stay fresh and wait until I can see it as my leisure somehow.

I have this rule where if I've missed the first few shows of a series, in which it's a drama type show, I can't really get into it. Cause if I try...I really can't follow along because I've already missed some of it.