Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
Hi peoples, what's cookin I got me Total Recall on in the background
I am back at school.
Which part of you is Irish? Is it your blarney?
and now i'm off. I found a place in town that has Stir of Echoes on DVD...i'm either going to go rent it, or get lazy and just stay here and work on my site...
Excellent idea. I'll see if I can find somethin' good.
Yeah we are.

We need to add a dead face or a sleepy face.
Kinda dead aren't we?
What I had was a Smirnoff AKA you'll have to drink 10 of these to even get a buzz..
I've had a few sips. Too bitter for my taste.
I'm...um...part Irish, and have only had one drink my entire life
Oh, sorry, I didn't know.