Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
Actually, that gorilla DID come after me. At least I think it was the gorilla, it was a dark alleyway.
Be nice to him, Spudly. You don't want that gorilla coming at you.
SILVER...you've got some splainin to do.
Chris has an active shoulder...gotta get in line Well I'm off to fix up Mose's database ... later guys!

Hi SB...
Yep, things are good, eh? I've been up to work, mostly. And just talkin'.
Hello and good bye gents... just doing a drive by till later...
I'm pretty good.
I was up very late last night, the latest so far this year, but I got a lot of work done, to a high standard, and it's a beautiful, beautiful day and I'm in casual clothes at school and tonight I'm seeing films and I have a nice weekend ahead of me. And then, of course, the Oscars are on Monday.

So yeah.
I'm well. I'm happy. I'm swellegant.

What have you been up to?
I'm well. Yourself?
No, I think we'll leave it there as testimony to some of the worse use of vB Code ever. An event for the calender, even.

How are you Commishy?
Want me to make it all better?
I guess I wasn't thinking with those vB codes.
That's some embarressing *****...