Oscar Picks
The Shoutbox
Nah-uh. You are.
You people are the epitome of evil.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean they aren't funny
Analogies using opinions and ******** are numerous. I've heard three versions now.
"Opinons are like @ssholes: everybody's got one, and everyone thinks everybody else's stinks."
Excuses are like a**holes SB... Everybody has one and some smell worse than others
Hey all.
I best tell you I only fell because of DAMNED TIME ZONATION!!
Enjoy, Mose.
True, True
Where the hell did that come from? Same place as "pooh head," I'll wager. For shame.

Mose: that's the way real men are; public persona is manly, wusses in real life. Keep on keepin' on, bud.
And with that I am off... I'm going to go watch Citizen Kane... haven't seen it in quite some time and I am ready for another viewing.

Later all!