The Shoutbox
I was Titania
Indeed I am. Pure gold.
I like A Midsummer Night's Dream too.
I've been in it.

Chris, you're talking the Branagh version with Denzel in it, right?
Hi Mose.
Midsummernight's Dream.
Much Ado About Nothing.
Hey, can I throw out a question?

What is everyon'e favorite Shakespearean play, and what is your favorite filmic producion of one of these such plays. I might start a thread, but I thought I'd ask here first...
Suuuure... all you care about is Chris... what about the rest of us Mofos?!? Guess we can't get any love b/c we aren't rich and famous webmasters with over 40k posts
Hello again...Chris, you around?
"I book a lot of tours to Dollywood, and EuroDollywood - that's in Alabama."
Sheesh people... I nod off for two hours and look what happens! I am far to lazy to read through the 10 pages of Shouts