The Shoutbox
And check my profile, Silver Bullet. If you do the Math, 2001 - 1970 = 31.
So, you whistle, and roll your tongue like you would roll your "R"s, eh?

Hey Mec, making movies is fun.
I'm writing a Tarantino Homage lately. Very unoriginal, but as the focus point is to study is technique, style and quirks, I can do whatever. The screenplay is called The Red Clock.
hahahahahaha- yes i think i do, after this i am gonna go rent the whole AFI's 100 best movie list to learn what a movie is. Maybe that will stop me
Hold's is 31, I believe.
I suppose Poltergeist kinda suburbs - without the Injun corpses in the swimmin' pool or my little sister eaten by the TV.
You need help, Vinny. I'm sure they have support groups for this sort of thing.

"Hi, my name is Joe, and I'm addicted to Steven Seagal movies."
im making a movie right now called life in the suburbs, its a comedy, fun stuff! (making movies)
How old are you Hold's?
You said "Ahh, High School", so I'm assuming you're well passed those days?
And yes, I nailed the cricket whistle long ago.

Can't remember where I first heard it. Think it was on Carson, somebody like Dana Carvey on the couch. Anyway, if you've got the pipes for it, it's a natural ease.
its like nicotine, i get my fill even though the cigaretes are shit. Plus friends are going and its free so thats kinda fun.
Sorta "American Beauty" suburbs, eh?
Or, "The Burbs" suburbs?