The deadline for the Top Musicals list is TOMORROW! Submit your ballot now, or read about it here
The Shoutbox
Yeah TV is 25 inches...Lava Lamp I got a few years back when I was in Ontario California...You'd think that it would be a difficult thing to operate, and my old stereo that I had was a lot simpler when it came to dials. This one though blows my AIWA out of the water...
Yeah, looks nice. Hard to tell for sure, though...I never take the time to get used to all those dials and tuners and all that. Looks cool, though. Nice TV -- 25 inches, is it? Lava lamp -- ahh, the most useless thing in the world. Wish I had one.
My stereo is sweet is it not!?
Dizzone. Gracias.
Check the Intermission!!
Cool. Mine's been pretty good. Played some Madden 2002 on the new TV. I love that TV. Made too much pizza...couldn't finish it. Wow, interesting stuff, eh?
I had the big tv hooked up to my DVD player...popped in Atlantis, and since I had nothing else to do..checked to see if I could get in here and here I am...

I'm having a great day today.
Oh!!! I see. I'd forgotten. Excellent...glad to hear it.
Nope...just decided to see if it would let me into the site and voila... YAY!!! We need a clapping smilie...
Spud: what happened? Get a new job or somethin'? Yeah, I liked the commercials. She can sing...sorry. No denying it.
Yay! Spud! I'm checking out for a bit...catch you all later..if you send me any PMs, I'll get back to them in a little while. Love yous guys!