The Shoutbox
Try doing the 10-4am IT Support shift every day for 2 years - it becomes very lonely...your mind starts finding creative ways to overcome this... I shan't say anymore.
Yes Fez, I know what you're talking about. I worked one night of the week doing the 3AM shift at the local grocery store (I worked normal hours too), I quickly learned that A) There is nothing on TV at 2 in the morning. B) Nobody really cares about when you go to sleep. and C) You become the living dead once your shift is over.
I'll do my 9 weeks of Boot Camp and come back to pay you guys a visit. I will miss this place though.
Work night shifts. They expect has as much for twice as much. I did night shift for 2 years... it was quality, the only downside was mental instability. Oh and you become a hermit.
What are you going to do when Spud is gone Yoda? ::sniff:: what will you do without him?
That's why I'm joining the Navy...
Work for the government.
Find a job that requires a small amount of work but pays in generous amounts of money.
How can I get paid for doing nothing?
So-so. I've been heavily distracted over the last day or so. Hopefully I'll kick it into gear soon.