The Shoutbox
I wasn't told to stop using my voice so much. I was told to find a balance. And I did. I only really yelled three times in the entire play (four if you include moments in the opening monologue): Act I, Sc. v, Act II Sc. iv, and once in Act II Sc. ii. The rest of the time I either go under and act like a predator, or I now do this playful sort of violence in Frankfurt and Irving. I was talking to John about it today. So just look at your own performances.
yeah you put in your all even after being TOLD by the director to stop using your voice so much. You dont have to shout EVERY second of EVERY scene you know that. Deb and Crouchie said You needed to play more in the character.
Hey, look, I was putting in my all, and I put forward a terrific performance last night. It's getting better anyway, my voice. I have to scream and shout in the scenes in which I have to scream and shout. It's like saying I shouldn't do the accent.

you brought that on yourself, you should have taken crouchies advice and stopped shouting.
I think I'm losing my voice.
I feel like crying as a result.
how are you all, my good little mofo family?
hey everybody
I love the USB keyboards.
Chunky hunks of typeability all the way.
I need the mobility. I'd love to be able to write anywhere, at any time.
Laptops are nice...but bitches to type on. I need a nice, big keyboard propped up in front of me if I'm really gonna go to town.