The Shoutbox
ahhh crap i couldnt help it
god, i dunno if i wanna post again, i mean its at 666
Damn. This plot to kill Jessie just keeps getting more and more complicated.
Spud didn't kill him; he had me kill him...because Spud WAS the potater-fries...hence the username. Duh.
You bet. His mentality roughly equals Selena's when he's feeling peppy.

And Spud, what'd you kill Jessie fer?
What was he again? 28? Going on 4?
You mean he took your french-fried potaters? That rat bastard.

The Jessie quote is a huge catchphrase at our house right now. Troy actually kept calling our color-blind friend Mike, saying that in his best Karl voice, and then hanging up. Over and over. I just shake my head and laugh, like this:

Umm...because he took my potater-fries.
Chris, what'd you kill Jessie fer?
Yes. Yes it is.