The Shoutbox
I'm Z_in' it right now...shhhh...
Oh. I see.
That wasn't me.

That was a nice MoFo International Ltd. rep who used my computer for his sales pitch.

He paid me tuppence!
Man in a what now?!
Shibba Shabba Shibba Shabba Shibba Shabba
Good morning crumb bums! Nice work on the "man in a suit" thing, Matty, good stuff.
I thought it may have changed meanings in the past forty minutes is all and during that forty minutes they got a new dictionary edition out.

You, raggamuffin, you had me worried...
I was just kidding about the handbook thing, but I think you called me a dirty child with ratty clothes! Gasp! I'm shocked!
Why, what does it mean?
I had to go look up raggamuffin in my trusty little medieval English handbook. Raggamuffin?? How dare you??
Oh, Fire, you raggamuffin...
I don't have much to say; I'm just ridding a repulsively huge shout from the main page.