The Shoutbox
i have awoken from my slumber......and yet still ai am confused
....what is going on?
Don’t get chris started on religion he is a faithful follower if I ever did see one, if your looking for a debate save it for the forum! I would post the link for it but im in class and im pushing for time and JRS who says i cant fool all ppl? Im very good at what I do
Hey, Chris,
What are your feelings about hell.
Like how does one not end up there?
I'm jewish, and we don't beleive in it, but I figure, If you're wrong, no skin off your teeth, but if I'm wrong, then I'll burn in hell. I'm hoping that you simply have to be a good person to achieve something in the afterlife, or simply, that hell doesn't exist, but I'm eager to hear others opinions on it..
That's ok Naisy, don't feel bad. You can fool some of the people some of the time....but you can't fool all the people all of the time.
ARG the secret is out, darn it, oh well it was good while it lasted, i mean Gracie and Unregistered were tricked the most
There is nothing for me to figure out for I understand it all. I appreciate being loved. Naisy, I love everyone here like family. That's no secret...why should it be ?
To sleep, perchance, to dream.
i now depart to sleep.....and perhaps dream,of a real world SEE YOUR LIES!