The Shoutbox
I started out using Milkshape 3D and Discreet 3D Studio Max 3 (I found the learning curve a bit steep though). I basically learnt by following tutorials and reading some manuals.
dedication??? aw man im out of the race. I would love to learn about Flash first but 3d animation is my real interest, what did you start with?
Yeah, well all it takes it time, patience and dedication

What side would you be more interested in learning anyway, Flash or 3D modelling/animation?
my hat goes off to you! my best animations come from paint and they are what you call, pathetic, im interesting in learning i just never get around to it
Depends in what way you look at it. I am no pro, though not a beginner. Flash is a fairly new thing, though I picked it up easily towards the start of this year. 3D modelling I have been doing for around three years or so, starting out with 3DS Max 3/4 (Quake 2 / 3 Mapping was what first got me into it), however moving onto Lightwave later on. As far as actual 3D animation goes, I'm still in the early stages with this, the rigging and staging side of things is extremely tedious
cool! you say your into animation, flash and everything, are you what you call advanced or just beginning?
Lol ... you're wish is my command
Vyse get your glutious maximus in here now and shout with us! please
yeah i can smell you from here!!!
Im good Nais, glad i helped u reach your goal....REMEMBER ME......god i need a shower, i got up REAL late today...
"Dont try to stop me this time....your not going to stop me smee....dont you dare try and stop me this time smee.......smee...smee....try and stop me.....try and stop me smee.....IM COMITTING SUICIDE!"